Our partners from fairwurzelt

Women's power from Lower Austria
Diversity as far as the eye can see:
In the 3000m2 show garden of the women's employment project fairwurzelt in Afing-Neidling, near St. Pölten, local herbs and spices as well as berry bushes and sunflowers find their home. Before the harvest is “fairly processed” into a wide variety of products, the participants of fairwurzelt cultivate the large area with a lot of love and care according to controlled organic criteria. The product range extends from herbal teas, spice mixtures and herbal salt, to pesto, chutney and relish, to natural bath salts.
The natural path into the world of work - since 1996 by the AMS Lower Austria and since 2007 also by the state of Lower Austria, fairwurzelt, as a non-profit association, has promoted, supported and accompanied women who are disadvantaged in the labor market as they return to working life. The motto - “Fair improvement and fair means”. Through gardening, not only social skills and specialist knowledge are “fairly taught”, but also manual skills are learned. Working in and with nature also promotes physical and mental health. Furthermore, a multi-professional team supports them within the next steps to increase their professional opportunities.
The products from fairwurzelt offer the opportunity to make a conscious decision and make a positive difference. Healthy enjoyment, organic production, fair prices, conscious living, highest quality - all of this is "fairly rooted" in the products of the women's project.
Shopping with a clear conscience: By purchasing the products, you can not only do something good for yourself, but also support the re-entry of disadvantaged women into working life.

Source (Text and Images): fairwurzelt