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Our partners from Microsoccer


Logo Microsoccer
2 people playing football in microsoccer

A fair and socially produced football pitch

MICROSOCCER is a fair and socially produced football pitch for the garden, balcony, roof terrace, and can be set up on any surface. The 4 x 2 metre pitch does not require packaging and can be easily transported as a trolley by one person. The pitch can be set up and dismantled very quickly and is guaranteed to provide a fun game for everyone - 1 vs. 1, fast, direct and compact.

The game is played on a 4 x 2 metre mini football pitch. The pitch is easy to transport and takes up no more than 10m² of space. The weather-resistant wood makes everything possible: Whether INDOOR or OUTDOOR, on asphalt, meadow, hard court, sand or wooden floor. A completely new way to play football - and now available at SCHÖN&GUT!


2 people photographed from above in the microsoccer field

Source (text and photos): http://microsoccer.at



1200.00 €